Sunday, 20 March 2011

Ernie's Pitstop

Sitting at home in my comfy chair this weekend, revisiting the final lines from my previous Blog, I've come to the realisation that I really do need to start writing something a little bit different from this standard diary of 'What Ernie did this week'. It could go on for ever, there's always going to be something, interesting or not, to write about.

I could go on, (as you're probably aware by now) for hours about Jacquie and I watching the clear night sky from our bedroom window in Caistor a couple of weeks ago and seeing, with our bare eyes, the space shuttle Discovery, after disconnecting from its mother ship, embarking on its final journey towards our planet, leaving the International Space Station to orbit the Earth ad infinitum.

Equally, I could quite easily go on about Jacquie replying to a Facebook offer last week and winning two tickets to see comedian Boothby Graffoe at the Ropery Hall in Barton upon Humber last night, or our early evening visit to Grimsby Minster to see the fantastic Lightworks event last friday.

I could rabbit on for hours about my return to working in the extensive gardens at Healing Manor especially after all of the extraordinary events that have been taking place there over the past few months, or I could regale you with comical tales of a couple of talks which I gave to the Caistor Flower Lovers Club and the New Waltham Methodist Wives group last week, but would you really, honestly, be interested ?

You might like to know that Jacquie and I have been given the invitation date for our trip to Buckingham Palace for an afternoons tea party with Her Majesty the Queen in July and I'm sure that you'd really like to hear about my latest attempt at TV presenting, appearing on a series of four mens health programmes called 'Ernie Pit Stop' ........but, to be perfectly honest with you  I' don't believe that I'm going anywhere with this blog so I'm going to give it a rest for a while.

"Write it down", I said. "Get it all of your chest", I implored, as I finished writing episode 9 of my Trivial Background Noize blog. But it's only now, after rereading all of the episodes together, that I've realised that that's exactly what I've been doing and that was really what the whole elaborate escapade has been all about......... getting things off my chest.

It definitely was a wrench, almost three months ago, when I walked away from the highly enjoyable pastime of running Grimsby in Bloom. But, it really was hard work and  it really was all-consuming in its demands upon my time. Its constant requests for my attention in a way, forced me to become a slave to its master, leaving me no time at all, to even earn a crust some weeks.

This strangely named blog of the last 10 weeks ( I was the singer in a local punk rock group in the late 1970's with the same name), has really helped me to recapture the thrill of seeing a blank page before me. It has helped me to refocus my sights on the more important things in life. It has also helped me to break free from the shackles of continuity which I forged in haste, 3 and a half years ago. The next part of my lifes' journey does not need a running commentary to accompany it and for that reason, I'll not be writing my blog for the next few weeks or even more.

That doesn't mean that I won't be writing stuff. Just that I'll stop writing it all down in diary form for you all to read. I'm now toying with the idea of changing my style and stretching myself with an attempt at writing some poetry as a means of expressing myself. Maybe that will become my literary outlet, who knows?

Thanks for reading Trivial Background Noize over the last 10 weeks and I hope that you've enjoyed reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

Just for a laugh, if you've got a moment in your busy schedule, please have a look at the series of mens health programmes called 'Ernie's Pit Stop, which appeared on Channel 7's website a couple of days ago. My youngest, Leon, couldn't even bear to watch past the opening credits. He saw the first few moments, up until the point where his oh so embarrassing dad begins to play air guitar with a mucky old sweeping brush and it suddenly became to much for his sensitive teenage sensibilities and he ran, groaning from the living room.

click here for link to Ernie's Pitstop

Have a look for yourself, you deserve a laugh.

 Let me know what you think!

Take care everyone, I'll be back again in another literary form sometime soon I hope, but for now, thank you very much for reading Trivial Background Noize.

Ernie x

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